Career Transition Services – making downsizing easier for all

Career transition is tough, and there’s a lot of it out there at the moment. “Redundancy”, “downsizing” and “managing headcount” are unpleasant and difficult for everybody. Indeed, it can be so difficult that it gets in the way of the company and it’s ex-employees moving forwards.


Difficult times call for difficult decisions, but they must be made sometimes if only to ensure companies can trade. The consequences on key staff, managers and leaders who may lose their jobs is made all the more difficult because they have often made huge contributions to the successes of the past.

Engaging a Career Transition Specialist can make the process more effective and positive. It can help ease the structural changes and be a vehicle for those involved to look forwards to new horizons, instead of over their shoulders at a past that can’t be changed.


Finding your future is not so secure or certain can be more than a little worrying. Feelings of failure and self-doubt can creep in when they’re undeserved and cloud sound judgement. Financial concerns can bring extra worry and hamper the process of making the future successful and rewarding.

Career transition guidance and advice is a vital part of moving on. It can involve CV and job application writing, marketing oneself (especially in the on-line databases that proliferate these days), interview role-plays, psychometric testing, as well as a whole heap of support to get the brain in gear to plan a career inĀ an very active marketplace.


Written by Martin Ellis –